Living in the city has its ups and downs. Some of the downs include the high property tax, the garbage in the gutters and getting gang-stomped by 16 grade-schoolers while walking to the Rite Aid for a Snickers. One of the ups is that you occasionally see some fucknuts-crazy shit going on.
Sal and I were heading to the Home Depot a few months ago, and along the way we passed one of the local middle-schools. We must have gotten there just as school was letting out. All along the road there were rowdy packs of kids heading home. We slowed down so as not to mow down any of the precocious little fuckers darting out into the street when I saw it: today's aforementioned fucknuts-crazy shit.
It was a little old lady on one of those Rascal Scooters, the kind you see on TV and buried underneath morbidly obese people in Wal-Mart. I guess it was Grandma's turn to pick the kids up from school, because this is what we saw:

(You can click the picture if you'd like to see it bigger.)
I freakin' love this town.